We are proud to announce that TeenTech is the proud charity partner for Electronics Weekly Women Leaders in Electronics Awards 2025!
Back in 2008, TeenTech recognised the need to provide engaging, ongoing support for ‘The X Factor generation’ who believed the only way out of their current situation was a fast ticket to being famous. Maggie filmed young people talking about the issues they faced with a school curriculum which seemed ‘irrelevant’ to their lives, and which ignited little understanding or enthusiasm for the emerging technologies which she knew were set to change their working, social and personal lives in the future.

From the outset, our programmes were co-designed with our young stakeholders who provide insight, direction and focus. Sixteen years on, it has never been more important for everyone to have a level of science and digital literacy for both personal and professional lives. We have a strong track record giving teachers the tools, frameworks, and knowledge they need to inspire their students; and exposing parents and guardians to the plethora of future science, technology, engineering and creative careers (and how to get there!) for the children in their care.
This means a compound growth strategy is baked into our operating model. It’s a 360 approach which motivates young people, equips their teachers, inspires parents and guardians, and fosters a pipeline into industry. This means it delivers significantly more impactful outcomes than initiatives which solely focus on one of those groups. We are particularly proud of the diversity of our students. Over 62% participants identify as female, 53% from areas of social disadvantage. Our programmes are accessed by mixed ability students, including SEN and those attending PRUs. Prior to joining our programmes: Only 55% students express any interest in a career in design, engineering or technology which changes to 86% students on completion. Only 61% students feel capable of a career in design, engineering or technology rising to 80% students on completion. 98%
Teachers rate our programmes as ‘useful to extremely useful’ in developing creativity, teamwork, confidence, and an understanding of the breadth of STEM careers. (For many programmes this is 100%) 97% Teachers say our programmes are ‘useful to extremely useful’ in developing an understanding that gender, ethnicity and social background need not be a barrier to success.
We’d love you to join us! It’s a massive collaborative effort and theire are many different ways to volunteer or sponsor our work. Please email or